11 Oct 2012

The 1/4 pounding

I was dead. DEAD.

Still dead partly: my heart.

It's hard to heal and not sure how long it takes.

But I'm gonna try to make this blog to make my feeling better with trying to find a tiny little happiness in daily life.

Small happiness become a huge happiness eventually.

And since my Facebook is becoming like my diary, why not trying to keep blog daily basis?

Anyway here we go.

The 1/4 pounding has just began.

So on Tuesday night, I went to see a show at Revolt theatre in Kensington.

It's part of fringe festival.

Anyway, I watched "Aphrodite's bordello" first.

It was funny, crazy, and all the girls in temple doing "secret and pure service" (aka prostitution).

It has cabaret, burlesque and bit of comedy.

Since I started learning burlesque since this Monday, I was so interested into how they act.

Anyway, it was good fun.

When it finished, it was raining outside.

I decided to go back to theatre, and started talking to the bartender,

One of the guys has the most beautiful long hair I've ever seen. So jealous.

Then one gentleman asked me if id like to watch another one.

It sounds interesting so I said "sure why not! It's cheap Tuesday, it doesn't hurt me much."

So I bought a ticket for "The 1/4 pounding".

I felt like I have seen one of the actors but I couldn't tell which show she played.

Eventually I realised it was Mel Dodge, who played "Jane Austen is dead". I watched that play with my friend, Kara, who is also an actor.

Anyway, I waited an hour till the show start. So I was chatting out with the bartenders. Still jealous about his hair!

Then I went to the room. Apparently it was opening night. Full of people.

It was simple stage set up. 2 boxes and clothes.

I can't tell how wonderful the ladies were. They suddenly became mid20 girls, then their mothers, old ladies, and sometimes even men.

I was stunned with their performance but also the script. It was just like my life! I'm in mid20, full of shit, and in a 1/4 life crisis.

Recently got out of long relationship, meaning single. Everyone is getting married, having kids, home owner and have wonderful career.

Me? Still on working holiday visa, I'm living in somewhere I don't like( say cold Melbourne) but I can't get out of here. Away from home even though I think Australia is my home. Melbourne is definitely not my home but lol.

I started getting freckles, need to go to facial, can't stay up till late, easy to get tire *sigh*

It was so shocking to know everyone having same crisis as i do.

It made me feel easier and felt my hear lifted a bit.

I couldn't stay longer (it was 11pm, you know it's time to bed! Lol) so I couldn't say how great they were in person.

But instead, please please go and check out their play! It will never let you down. Even though you are still younger than mid 20 or over mid 20, I guarantee you will have a great time :)

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